Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Humming a Rant

Tea: Chrysanthemum (herbal) with honey

Music: Dire Straits, "Brothers in Arms"

Time: Night.

The rain has set in again. Great sheets of it.

That means water in the garage and the basement -- and the ankle, which has been getting better, is slightly more tweaky for the change in barometric pressure.

But you know what? This helps make the day better.

It's complicated, I know. Shutting down the brand would cause all sorts of people to lose their jobs -- auto workers, salespeople, etc.

But you know what? Most of me doesn't care. These gigantic compensationmobiles (and yes, I do mean compensation in that area) are a big part of the reason we're paying $4 for gas. I wouldn't be sad at all to see them go away. (And if the posturers who drive them want to go with, I wouldn't mourn too much.)

Getting the gas guzzlers off the road is only part of a long-term solution, though. Driving less and taking mass transit more is another part.

Another part, although no one in any position of power has the guts to do it, is to tell OPEC nations that the price of the food they buy from us is now directly tied to the price of oil they sell us. We can buy bikes and take the bus; can they grow wheat in sand?

Didn't think so.

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