Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Seventh Circle of ...

Tea: Caramel Lapsang

Music: Elvis Costello and the Attractions, "Accidents Will Happen"

Time: Night.

"Dilbert" cartoonist Scott Adams postulates the existence of Heck, a place for people whose trangsressions aren't serious enough for ... well, that other place. (No, not this place, but it's close.)

(Side note: As we all know, Heck is also the place where they grow plantar warts.)

Surely, if there is such a place, one of the torments would include being locked in a room with People Who Mean Well.

Yes, it takes a capital.

You know the sort:

The well-meaning instructor who tells his students that peanuts were discovered by George Washington Carver;

The well-meaning tech support person who tells you that taking a certain action "shouldn't do nothing" to your computer (leaving one in the limbo of wondering what the something is that will be done);

The well-meaning friend who stops in for a hospital visit when all you want is to convalesce in silence;

And so on.

I know, I know ... meaning well does count for something. And I'm sure I've qualified for someone's version of Heck more than once over the years.

But c'mon ... everyone knows Al Gore discovered the peanut. In Latvia.

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