Saturday, October 11, 2008

Enough Already

Tea: White Grapefruit

Music: U2, "Angel of Harlem"

Time: Night.

I'm going to keep this short and simple.

It's beyond time to quit "othering" the opposition -- whichever side you're on -- in this election.

The people supporting the wrong candidate (or wronger candidate, if you will, as there doesn't really seem to be a completely right one) are still people. Misguided, perhaps, or merely with different priorities -- but people.

Ditto the candidates and their families. They're still people. Enough with the hating. Enough with the name-calling. Enough with "us vs. them."

As bad as things are now, we're all us. We can't afford a "them."

I'm skipping the scary story tonight. Two tomorrow. I'm in need of a little light right now.

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