Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Away in a Strip Mall ...

Tea: Hot Chocolate Cinnamon.

Music: Everclear, "Amphetamine"

Time: Night.

It is the end of a long day, filled with holiday preparations. Tomorrow will be the same. And then it's off to the other end of the state, to see family and friends at Christmas.

With all of that, sometimes it's hard to remember just to stop and breathe -- to be open to detours and laughter and to listen to what's being said instead of leaping ahead to what has to be done.

With this many people rushing around, doing their penultimate-minute shopping, it's easy to be ruled by what my late father called "the tyranny of the urgent." Instead of "peace on Earth, good will to men," we find ourselves singing (okay, I find myself singing) "God rest ye merry knuckleheads, now get out of my way ..." Instead of following a star, we follow the message of "Only (insert number here) shopping days left." Instead of gold, frankincense and myrrh, we have Visa, MasterCard and Discover.

But there's peace in all of the chaos, if we just take the time to find it. Or maybe it's more a matter of taking time to show it ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid this misses the actual point of your post (I heard you, I promise), but I also found myself inventing lyrics, today. The water pitcher had two teaspoons of water in it, and I was thirsty, and... you know the Russian's first solo in "Chess?" Think my way is better?

Who needs a drink?
Who needs some water?
Who'd be the fool
To not refill the pitcher?
Once I had drinks,
Now I'm just thirsty...

;-) Happy Holidays.