Saturday, September 20, 2008

Invalid Response

Tea: Chrysanthemum.

Music: UK, "Night After Night"

Time: Night.

Grrr. There are so many ways this rubs me the wrong way.

There are plenty of valid reasons to vote for or against any given candidate. Don't feel he's experienced enough? Fine. Like her position on environmental issues? Wonderful. Not fond of his skin color or her XX chromosomes?

Hold up.

Gender and color are lousy reasons to vote for or against any candidate. They only feeds two noisome creatures: the "We've Got to Support Our Own" monster and the "Vote for My Candidate or You're An -Ist" beast (often depicted in paintings on velvet as playing poker with race and gender cards).

Sigh ... one of these days we're going to figure out that people are not their containers.

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