Saturday, March 22, 2008

Back to the Scrabble Board (Just Not Yet)

Tea: Vanilla Chai

Music: Dresden Dolls, "Half Jack"

Time: Night.

I have played Scrabble once in the nine and a half years since my father died.

(We used to have epic battles, lasting hours. He'd always hoard the "Q," and I'd stash the "U" tiles. When he died, I buried the "Q" with him -- but, of course, I didn't send a "U" along with it.

The one time I played, since he died, was on a coffeehouse board. We got down to the end of the game: No "Q." I swear I could hear him laughing.

Today, my 15-year-old son pulled a game pack out of storage. Guess what's in there?

Yep -- a Scrabble set. A full one, no tiles missing.

I think it might be about time to play again ... about time to focus on what's possible with the living instead of what was lost to death.

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