Sunday, January 13, 2008

Shadows and Light

Tea: Jacob's Dream (grapefruit herbal) with honey

Music: George Winston, "Cast Your Fate to the Wind"

Time: Night.

I've been shooting -- and pondering -- shadows lately, for several reasons. I'm not going to get into all of them here.

It struck me tonight that I'm grateful for all the shadows -- not only the ones that wind up in front of the lens.

Metaphorical shadows are rarely beautiful, although they can produce beauty. Where would the 23rd Psalm be without the Valley of the Shadow of Death, "The Hollow Men" without "falls the shadow"?

Shadows are part of the full range of human experience, though. For us to better appreciate the light, it must be obstructed from time to time. And if one can be grateful during those times, even if only for one breath at a time, that's a truer gratitude than one given by someone who has never known darkness.

That said, I'm praying for a little light for those I love.

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