Thursday, October 18, 2007

Cup XXXIII: Agley (but That's Okay)

Tea: Spring Sprouting Jade

Song: Christian Langer, "Moonchild"

Time: Night

This was not the day I thought I would have. I had anticipated being out on the road with friend/collaborator/fellow traveler Seánan Forbes, who arrived today from New York. I had envisioned being here or here, possibly both, doing research for travel/food writing.

Instead, a more than minor glitch with one of the two family cars kept the two of us in the Kansas City metro area.

But you know what? We went here for lunch (yes, the same place from the first Foodspedition) and discovered new tastes (and new combinations thereof). We shared chocolate and conversation here and here. And there were fortune cookie moments, one of them leading to surprised delight on the part of a promising young writer, and they were good.

All of it was good. Better than.

Funny how things work out that way sometimes.

Tonight's story:

Eleanor F. Lewis, "The Vengeance of a Tree"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ugg. Well, plans change,rearrange,sort and do better. I hope that this has been the case for the two of you.

El Pugarcito! *dances for pupusas*
I have started to collect my fortune cookie slips. They line my journal and there is a finality in the way I am almost sure they will end up in the first novel I write (and eventually finish).
Surprised? How about flabbergasted or dumbfounded? Scared smiling speechless?

*tries and hopes to be able to see creepy story tonight*