Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Cup III: Jeo-pu-er-dy, or is that Jeopar-tea?

Tea: Pu-er with ginger, hand mixed, heavy on the ginger

Music: Theme from "Jeopardy!"

Time: Late afternoon.

Some of the tea is being used to soak dried shiitake mushrooms. They'll go in the wok, drained and sliced, along with some tofu, eggplant, onions, peppers, carrots and, um ... whatever sauce I decide I want to mix up.

Yeah, I know ... yesterday, I said carnivores rock. They still do, and I still am one. I'm the tofu stir-fryer, not the tofu buyer.

All three people missed the Final Jeopardy answer (Question: What is "London Bridge"?) Boneheads, all around.

"But Steve," you say, "could you do better?"

Than this bunch today? Yeah. Better than Ken Jennings? Who knows? I took the Jeopardy test a couple of years ago, and qualified for the contestant pool, but that was the year he went on that long tear and they didn't need quite so many contestants.

(A lot of people were howling at the time: "Go back to the five-day limit for champions! It's not fair for one person to be on so long!")

This, to be polite, is a load. Someone reaches the top in a competition like that, he or she ought to be able to hold the crown as long as the challengers fail to take it.

I'll take the test again someday. At least, I'd like to. I'm not addicted to any show, game or otherwise ... but Jeopardy?

I'll take "Things That Would Kick Butt" for $2,000, Alex.

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